Add a Product Sale

Add a product to your microsite

Follow these instructions to add a product

Press the + button and add a few pieces of info.

1. Product Name: Enter the name of the product.
2. Description:
Describe your product. This will appear in your service catalog and on your website.
3. Product Image:
add an image that best represents your product.
4. Charge for this Service: If you want to charge for a product turn this on.

  • If you haven't yet you will need to signup for or login into stripe (the payment provider)

5. Pricing option: Set the price for your products
6. Categories:
Add categories for sorting and grouping on your site.
7. Upload File:
If the product is downloadable digital file, upload it here
8. Next Step URL: If you would like your client to go to a different site for product then paste the link here

Hit Save and you are done!

Remember: After adding a product, rebuild your microsite to see the changes.

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